Eastern Plant Board Constitution and Bylaws
Eastern Plant Board Constitution
(Approved March 27, 2003 Harrisburg, PA
Last Amended: March 30, 2021)
ARTICLE I. General Provisions
SECTION 1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Eastern Plant Board.
SECTION 2. The PURPOSES of the organization shall be to:
SECTION 4. STATE REPRESENTATION: This board shall consist of not more than three representatives from each state. These representatives shall be selected by the proper authorities from officials connected with plant protection duties.
SECTION 5. VOTING: Each member state shall have one vote.
SECTION 6. OFFICERS: The officers of this board shall be a president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer, elected by a majority vote of the Board. The president and vice-president shall be elected annually and will serve no more than two consecutive terms. The secretary-treasurer shall be elected biennially.
SECTION 7. PROCEDURES: One regular meeting of the Board shall be held each year, at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee and announced at least two months in advance. Additional meetings for stated purposes may be called by the Executive Committee and must be called on the request of three or more states. The Board may transact business by all available means of communication.
The general sessions of the Eastern Plant Board shall be governed by the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
SECTION 8. QUORUM: Representatives of a majority of the states composing the Board shall constitute a quorum. This representation may be in person or by formal proxy.
SECTION 9. NATIONAL PLANT BOARD, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The president and the vice-president, shall represent the Eastern Plant Board on the National Plant Board, Board of Directors.
SECTION 10. AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be amended at any time by unanimous consent of the Board and without previous notice, or at any meeting by a majority vote of the Board, provided those present constitute a quorum and notice of the proposed change has been filed with the members prior to the meeting.
SECTION 11. BYLAWS: The Board shall promulgate a set of bylaws for the purpose of governing its meetings and other affairs.
SECTION 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PURPOSE: The purpose of the Executive Committee shall be to transact routine business between meetings of the Board, to carry out the instructions and policies of the Board, and to take action in an emergency until such time as the Board may act.
SECTION 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Executive Committee membership shall consist of the past-president, president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer. No state shall have more than one representative. The president shall be the chair of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 3. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The Executive Committee shall meet on call of the president chair and for stated purposes. A meeting of the Executive Committee must be called on request of two members of the Committee.
SECTION 4. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE QUORUM: Three members of the Executive Committee constitute a quorum. The assent of three members shall be necessary to any action by the Committee.
Eastern Plant Board By-Laws
(Approved March 27, 2003 Harrisburg, PA
Last Amended: March 30, 2021)
SECTION 1. MEMBERSHIP DUES: Membership dues shall be determined by majority vote at the annual meeting, payable on January 1. The funds so collected shall be used to pay for the National Plant Board dues for each Board member in good standing and for necessary expenses incident to the activities of the Board; however, membership of any of the states in the Eastern Plant Board shall not be contingent on the payment of such dues.
SECTION 2. COMMITTEES: The following shall be standing committees of the Board: Program Committee, Policy and Resolutions Committee, Nominations Committee, Awards Committee, and Audit Committee. The president shall annually appoint at least two members to each committee. At least one member of the Program Committee shall be from the state hosting the annual meeting.
SECTION 3. VACANCIES: Any National Plant Board, Board of Directors or Eastern Plant Board Executive Committee vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee until the next annual meeting of the Board.
4.1 In consideration of matters coming before it for discussion or action, it shall be the policy of the Board to invite parties of interest into conference.
4.2 Other regional Plant Boards within the United States, or similar organizations within the Dominion of Canada or elsewhere, shall be invited to designate representatives to sit in conference with the Board in consideration of matters of common interest.
SECTION 5. DISBURSEMENTS: Disbursements shall be made by the secretary-treasurer on properly executed vouchers.
SECTION 6. AMENDMENTS: These bylaws may be amended at any time by majority vote of the Board.
SECTION 7. MEETINGS: The annual Eastern Plant Board meeting will convene no later than the second full week of April. If a conflict arises with member states, the Executive Committee will establish the meeting date.
(Approved March 27, 2003 Harrisburg, PA
Last Amended: March 30, 2021)
ARTICLE I. General Provisions
SECTION 1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Eastern Plant Board.
SECTION 2. The PURPOSES of the organization shall be to:
- Bring about greater uniformity and efficiency in safeguarding of the region’s plant resources
- Foster effective and harmonized plant health programs among its members
- Advance and protect agriculture, horticulture and forestry on the state national and international levels
- Promote greater cooperation and understanding among member states on plant health and plant pest regulatory issues of concern to the region
- Collaborate and communicate effectively with public and private agencies and organizations
- Promote efficiency, harmony and uniformity with other regional plant boards, and the National Plant Board
- Category 1. State: The following states of the United States of America shall be entitled to membership on the Board: West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine.
- Category 2. Advisory: Organizations, or agencies of similar interest, may become an advisory member of the Board by submitting a written request to the president for action by the voting membership. A majority vote by the Board is required for approval.
SECTION 4. STATE REPRESENTATION: This board shall consist of not more than three representatives from each state. These representatives shall be selected by the proper authorities from officials connected with plant protection duties.
SECTION 5. VOTING: Each member state shall have one vote.
SECTION 6. OFFICERS: The officers of this board shall be a president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer, elected by a majority vote of the Board. The president and vice-president shall be elected annually and will serve no more than two consecutive terms. The secretary-treasurer shall be elected biennially.
SECTION 7. PROCEDURES: One regular meeting of the Board shall be held each year, at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee and announced at least two months in advance. Additional meetings for stated purposes may be called by the Executive Committee and must be called on the request of three or more states. The Board may transact business by all available means of communication.
The general sessions of the Eastern Plant Board shall be governed by the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
SECTION 8. QUORUM: Representatives of a majority of the states composing the Board shall constitute a quorum. This representation may be in person or by formal proxy.
SECTION 9. NATIONAL PLANT BOARD, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The president and the vice-president, shall represent the Eastern Plant Board on the National Plant Board, Board of Directors.
SECTION 10. AMENDMENTS: This constitution may be amended at any time by unanimous consent of the Board and without previous notice, or at any meeting by a majority vote of the Board, provided those present constitute a quorum and notice of the proposed change has been filed with the members prior to the meeting.
SECTION 11. BYLAWS: The Board shall promulgate a set of bylaws for the purpose of governing its meetings and other affairs.
SECTION 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PURPOSE: The purpose of the Executive Committee shall be to transact routine business between meetings of the Board, to carry out the instructions and policies of the Board, and to take action in an emergency until such time as the Board may act.
SECTION 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Executive Committee membership shall consist of the past-president, president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer. No state shall have more than one representative. The president shall be the chair of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 3. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The Executive Committee shall meet on call of the president chair and for stated purposes. A meeting of the Executive Committee must be called on request of two members of the Committee.
SECTION 4. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE QUORUM: Three members of the Executive Committee constitute a quorum. The assent of three members shall be necessary to any action by the Committee.
Eastern Plant Board By-Laws
(Approved March 27, 2003 Harrisburg, PA
Last Amended: March 30, 2021)
SECTION 1. MEMBERSHIP DUES: Membership dues shall be determined by majority vote at the annual meeting, payable on January 1. The funds so collected shall be used to pay for the National Plant Board dues for each Board member in good standing and for necessary expenses incident to the activities of the Board; however, membership of any of the states in the Eastern Plant Board shall not be contingent on the payment of such dues.
SECTION 2. COMMITTEES: The following shall be standing committees of the Board: Program Committee, Policy and Resolutions Committee, Nominations Committee, Awards Committee, and Audit Committee. The president shall annually appoint at least two members to each committee. At least one member of the Program Committee shall be from the state hosting the annual meeting.
SECTION 3. VACANCIES: Any National Plant Board, Board of Directors or Eastern Plant Board Executive Committee vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee until the next annual meeting of the Board.
4.1 In consideration of matters coming before it for discussion or action, it shall be the policy of the Board to invite parties of interest into conference.
4.2 Other regional Plant Boards within the United States, or similar organizations within the Dominion of Canada or elsewhere, shall be invited to designate representatives to sit in conference with the Board in consideration of matters of common interest.
SECTION 5. DISBURSEMENTS: Disbursements shall be made by the secretary-treasurer on properly executed vouchers.
SECTION 6. AMENDMENTS: These bylaws may be amended at any time by majority vote of the Board.
SECTION 7. MEETINGS: The annual Eastern Plant Board meeting will convene no later than the second full week of April. If a conflict arises with member states, the Executive Committee will establish the meeting date.